2022年度 若林研究室 研究成果





  1.  Symmetry manipulation of nonlinear optical effect for metallic transition dichalcogenides, R. Habara, K. Wakabayashi, Phys. Rev. B 107, 115422 (2023).
  2.  An epitaxial graphene platform for zero-energy edge state nanoelectronics, V.S. Prudkovskiy et.al., Nature Comm. 13, 7814 (2022).
  3.  Enhanced valley polarization of graphene on h-BN under circularly polarized light irradiation, K. Nakagahara, K. Wakabayashi, Phys. Rev. B 106, 075403 (2022).
  4.  Fullerene Nanostructure-Coated Channels Activated by Electron Beam Lithography for Resistance Switching, M. Takeuchi et.al., ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 5, 6430 (2022).


  1. Zak Phase and the Existence of Topological Edge States in Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals, Huyen T. Phan, S. Takahashi, S. Iwamoto, K. Wakabayashi, PECS-XIII Tokyo, 30th Mar. 2023 (poster).
  2. Nonlinear optical effect and DC photocurrent for few-layered metallic TMDC, R. Habara and K. Wakabayashi, The 13th Recent Progress in Graphene and Two-dimensional Materials Research Conference, 15 Nov. 2022 (Taipei).


  1. Nonlinear optical Hall effect and DC photocurrent for few-layered NbSe2, R. Habara and K. Wakabayashi, The 63rd Fullerenes-Nanotubes-Graphene General Symposium, 31 Aug. 2022 (Tokyo Metropolitan University).
  2. 少数層NbSe2の非線形光学的ホール伝導度に関する理論研究(Nonlinear optical Hall effect of few-layered NbSe2), R. Habara and K. Wakabayashi, JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022, 21 Sep. 2022 (Tohoku University).
  3. 2.5次元物質における光学応答効果と光・電子機能設計の理論, R. Habara and K. Wakabayashi, 第3回領域会議, 14 Oct. 2022 (Hokkaido University).
  4. 金属TMDCの非線形光学効果と偏向依存性に関する理論的研究(Symmetry manipulation of nonlinear optical effect for metallic TMDC), R. Habara and K. Wakabayashi, JPS 2023 Spring Meeting, 24 Mar. 2023 (Online).
  5. Topological edge states in Biphenylene Network, K. Koizumi, H. T. Phan, and K. Wakabayashi, The 63rd Fullerenes-Nanotubes-Graphene General Symposium, 31 Aug. 2022 (Tokyo Metropolitan University).
  6. Electronic and Topological properties of Biphenylene Network, K. Koizumi, H. T. Phan, and K. Wakabayashi, 第4回領域会議, 13 Mar. 2023 (つくば国際会議場).
  7. Topological Wave Propagation in 3D Woodpile Photonic Crystal, Huyen T. Phan, S. Takahashi, S. Iwamoto, K. Wakabayashi, JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022, 21st Sep. 2022.
  8. Zak Phase of Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals, Huyen T. Phan, F. Liu, S. Takahashi, S. Iwamoto, K. Wakabayashi, JSAP Spring Meeting 2023, 16th Mar. 2023.
  9. Strain Effects on Electronic States of CoBHT: Theoretical Studies, K. Nishigomi, A. Kumatani, K. Tsukagoshi, and K. Wakabayashi, The 63rd Fullerenes-Nanotubes-Graphene General Symposium, 31 Aug. 2022 (Tokyo Metropolitan University).
  10. CoBHT の電子状態における歪み効果の理論的研究 (Theoretical Studies of Strain Effect on Electronic States of CoBHT), K.Nishigomi, A. Kumatani, K. Tsukagoshi, and K. Wakabayashi, JSAP Spring Meeting 2023, 16th Mar. 2023. (Sophia University).


  1. 羽原廉, Selection rule of optically induced charge and spin current for metallic TMDC, 2023年3月


  1. 竹内柊, 20232, 2次元SSH六角格子のトポロジカル特性に関する理論研究
  2. 三輪涼雅, 20232, SSH模型の電子状態に関する理論的研究
  3. 楠勇輝, 20232, カゴメ格子のベリー曲率と光学伝導度の数値解析
  4. 小林直生, 20232月グラフェンのエッジ修飾効果に関する理論的研究


  1. 科研費, 学術変革領域研究(A), 2.5次元物質における光学応答効果と光・電子機能設計の理論, 代表者:若林克法(関西学院大学), 課題番号 22H05473
  2. 科研費, 基盤研究(B), 二次元原子膜物理とフォトニクスの分野横断によるトポロジカル機能設計, 代表者:若林克法(関西学院大学) , 課題番号 21H01019
  3. JST CREST, トポロジカル集積光デバイスの創成, 代表者: 岩本敏(東京大学), 課題番号






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